IRRSEE 22-23-24 October 2021
location: Mill retreat https://millretreats.at/
Organiser: Susi Gasselsberger email: info@nadayoga.at
In der wunderschönen Oedmühle am Irrsee werden wir 5 Tage mit Damien "The journey of the hero" entdecken.
Es sind Zimmer in der Oedmühle buchbar, bitte bei mir anmelden.
Und es gibt genügend Möglichkeiten rund um den See für Unterkünfte.
Die Kosten für 3 Tage Yoga betragen 300 Euro.
Tageweise teilnehmen oder nur Mysore ist möglich bitte bei mir melden.
Freitag 22.Oktober 2021 bis Sonntag 24. Oktober 2021
8-10 Mysore
11-13 Yoga Anatomy
15-17 Yoga Philosophy
17-18 practice & Q&A
Anmeldung unter info@nadayoga.at
Yoga Beyond Asana Series
Is a platform developed by Damien de Bastier to deepen your yoga practice by exploring some of the traditional texts of the enormous yogic literature written over the centuries and thus remain fairly close to the original intentions of yoga: Using yoga to live healthier and happier lives, and ultimately with more freedom. With that in mind, the philosophy classes are not aimed at scholarly rendering of the exact meaning of the texts but more as springboards for inquiry, reflections, and collecting tools that could be useful on and off the yoga mats in our modern lives. A yoga of the mind if you will.
Since modern yoga also implies an extensive use of the body through various asana practices, Damien deems useful to cultivate a holistic understanding of how our body works in order to provide a safer approach to practice but also a deeper joy in exploring and expressing an embodiment of intelligence in action. Thus the anatomy classes are aimed to simplify complex theories with practical explorations and always answering the question of “how is that useful to me and my yoga practice” throughout..
There are 6 modules in this series that aim at providing broad and comprehensive understanding of yoga from 3 perspectives: Yoga practice, Yoga philosophy and Yoga anatomy. We’ll study some of the key texts left from over 4000 years of yoga development, as well as 6 of the key anatomical systems of the body relevant to movement practices and yogic studies. Each module includes a focus of internal and external applications to nourish our practice.
YEAR 1 Module 1 = Foundations of yogic living
. Mysore / yoga practice
. Vedas / Upanishads
. Funanatomy of the skeletal system
Module 2 = The journey of the hero
. Mysore/yoga practice
. Funanatomy of the muscular system
. The Bhagavad Gita Module 3 = Finding harmony within
. Mysore/yoga practice
. Funanatomy of organ system . Intro to Ayurveda YEAR 2 Module 4 = Weaving the fabric of life
. Mysore / yoga practice
. Anatomy of fascial system
. Philosophy of Tantra yoga Module 5 = Awakening the central channel
. Mysore / yoga practice
. Anatomy of nervous system
. Yoga sutras of patanjali
Module 6 = Nourishing the energy within
. Mysore / yoga practice
. Anatomy of acupuncture meridians
. Philosophy of Hatha yoga pradipika
Module 1: Foundations of yogic living
Vien, October 15-17, Ooom yoga Lisa Langeder
In this first module in the “yoga beyond Asana” series we’ll look into the highlights of the Vedas and Upanishads and glean elements of Vedic yoga. We’ll delve into spiritual poetry and work our self awareness muscles through directed journaling of powerful questions.
In the anatomy sessions we’ll inquire into the navigational jargon of anatomy and approach the skeletal system through its 9 main joint complexes (much easier that trying to figure out the 206 bones and 360 individual that comprise the body) and apply that understanding to alignment of structures throughout the ashtanga practice. We will also learn the CAR system (controled Articular Rotations) as a great warm up and therapeutic tool. It will be fun, nourishing and hopefully a bit enlightening..
Recommended reading (prior to workshop) - Anatomy for movement, Blandine Calais-Germain (focus on introduction and joints structures) - The Vedas and Upanishads for children , Rupa Pai
Module 2: The journey of the hero
Irrsee, October 22-26, Susi Gasselsberger info@nadayoga.at
In the second module we’ll focus on yoga in action and follow the journey of Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita and learn how to act properly and excel in our lives, open our heart by connecting to a higher power and finally get a glimpse of the divine intelligence at work in the universe. In the anatomy sessions we’ll dive into our muscular system and learn how to create bandhas around our 9 joint complexes (yes, there are 9 bandhas!!). We’ll also explore Myofascial Release (MFR), which are simple techniques to open stubborn muscles which will assist in unlocking our challenging postures. We will also learn the basics of pranayama and how to establish a daily practice to cultivate more energy to do all the things we love to do..
Recommended reading (prior to workshop) - Anatomy for movement, Blandine Calais-Germain (focus on muscles)
- The Bhagavad Gita, by Steven Mitchell.
Tools needed - 1Kg or 3kg medicine ball (a HARD inflatable ball between 25 & 35cm)
Module 3: Finding harmony within.
Graz, October 29-31
Jess Mallaschitz
In the third module we will follow an introduction to Ayurveda and learn how to balance our practice and life according to Ayurvedic wisdom. In the Anatomy sessions we will study our organs and learn to include them in our yoga practice in order to find more wholeness and cultivate a holistic approach to our existence. We will also explore a few of the Kriyas, internal purifications, to help our system rebalance itself.
Tools needed
- neti pot
- Rubber catheter about 30cm long and 2mm thick.. (can get in a pharmacy)
There will be a discounted rate for students who want to follow 2 or 3 of the modules
Damien has been practicing and studying yoga for over 30 years. As a struggling teenager he was introduced to transcendental meditation and followed the path of yogic wisdom ever since. On his journey to more balance, joy and understanding Damien amassed degrees in clinical psychology, Ashtanga yoga, yoga therapy and various forms of bodywork that he integrates in his teachings. When He is not cleaning the floor of his yoga shala Ubuntu in Bali, Damien travels the world and tries to shares his passion for yoga with humor, wisdom and compassion. www.ubuntubali.com , instagram @yogadamien , Facebook @Damien de bali.
“yoga is a breathing exercise that uses the body to access the mind.”
“Yoga is very much concerned with what happens in the other 22 hours of your day.” “The body is the superficial part of the mind, mind is the deeper part of the body. So anatomy is really the philosophy of your body and philosophy studies the anatomy of the mind.”
“We do yoga to come back home to ourself.”
Optional :
Yoga philosophy
In the philosophy sessions of this module we’ll follow the journey of Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita and learn how to act properly and excel in our lives, open our heart by connecting to a higher power and finally get a glimpse of the divine intelligence at work in the universe. We ll glimpse through the 18 chapters with the key meaning and a key verse for each chapter and unveil the hidden practices embedded in each.
Yoga anatomy
In the anatomy sessions of this module we’ll use the parallel of the the Bhagavad Gita and focus on our muscular system through which we act on our yoga mat and in the world. Without getting too technical but remaining 100% practical we’ll deepen our understanding of how our muscles work and will learn to co-activate opposing muscle groups around each joint-complex to create 9 bandhas to support healthy dynamics and cultivate internal alignment.
Mysore practice
As the traditional form of practice of Ashtanga yoga, mysore is a space to connect with oneself, cultivate meditative awareness and integrate some of the understandings cultivated in the anatomy sessions by applying some of the tools on a per needed basis..